2. Digital lexicography
01/2023 - 12/2024 (2 years): Project "中欧数字辞书创新发展路径比较及对策研究 [Chinese and European Digital Lexicography]" (Project Number: G2023157010L) - funded by the Ministry of Science & Technology of the People's Republic of China and Huazhong Agricultural University, China.
Project Leader: GENG Yundong 耿云冬 (Associate Professor, Bilingual Lexicographer in the Department of Foreign Languages at Huazhong Agricultural University, China).
Coordinator: CHEN Lian 陈恋, (LLL UMR 7270 CNRS laboratory - University of Orléans; Language Sciences at LT2D EA7518, Cergy Paris University).
Objectives: To assess the development and trends in digital lexicography between Europe and China over the last 20 years, invite experts to present their work in China to enhance exchanges and cooperation between the two continents, and publish a book by experts from different countries along with a book from the international conference (English) on the subject (the language can be the mother tongue; we will find a translator for you and will manage the invited experts).
Scientific Activities: Conferences and publications.