4. Collaboration (PL& LTL 2024)
PL & LTL 2024 is funded by the Project “Digital Lexicography in China and Europe: Status Quo and Future Directions” (Project Number: G2023157010L). It specifically aims to bridge academic communities in China and Europe, thereby enhancing scholarly dialogue and joint research endeavors within the realm of digital lexicography. See the announcement
Country | Invited Speaker |
Canada | VINCENT Nadine University of Sherbrooke |
China | GAO Yongwei 高永伟 Fudan University |
GENG Yundong 耿云冬 Huazhong Agricultural University | |
LI Yuming 李宇明 Beijing Language and Culture University | |
MAO Wentao 毛文涛 Shanghai Century Publishing (Group) Co., Ltd. | |
TIAN Bing 田兵 Guangdong University of Foreign Studies | |
WANG Renqiang 王仁强 Sichuan International Studies University | |
WEI Xiangqing 魏向清 Nanjing University | |
XU Hai 徐海 Guangdong University of Foreign Studies | |
YANG Yuling 杨玉玲 Beijing Language and Culture University | |
ZHANG Yihua 章宜华 Guangdong University of Foreign Studies | |
Czech Republic | JAKUBÍČEK Miloš Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o. & Masaryk University in Brno |
Denmark | TARP Sven Aarhus University |
Estonia | KALLAS Jelena Institute of the Estonian Language |
France | CHEN Lian 陈恋 LLL CNRS - Orleans University & LT2D - CY Cergy Paris University | GASPARINI Noé | REY Christophe LT2D, CY Cergy Paris University |
Germany | KLOSA-KUCKELHAUS Annette IDS, Leibniz Institute for the German Language |
Israel | KERNERMAN Ilan Lexicala by K Dictionaries |
Italy | PASSAROTTI Marco C. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart | Portugal | COSTA Rute NOVA University Lisbon - CLUNL |
SALGADO Ana Academy of Sciences of Lisbon | |
Slovenia | KOSEM Iztok University of Ljubljana | South Africa | BOTHMA Theo JD University of Pretoria |
GOUWS Rufus H. University of Stellenbosch | Spain | FUERTES-OLIVERA Pedro A. University of Valladolid |
LEON ARAUZ Pilar University of Granada | |
DO-HURINVILLE Danh-Thành ELIADD, Franche-Comté University |